Monday, July 26, 2010

Changing Publishing Page Layouts in SharePoint 2010

I had a problem this morning with trying to change the page layout for a publishing page in SP2010. I’m building my own content types and layouts for my company’s public-facing site, but I don’t have the time to build everything from scratch, so I’m using the out-of-the-box site definition. So to make things work the way I want them to, I am changing each site after creation to use my custom page layouts.

My problem is that after configuring the content types on the Pages library and changing the available page layouts for the site, I still could not change the layout on a page that was checked out to me and in edit mode. As it turns out, the Page Layout button on the ribbon is sensitive to the approval state of the available layouts. If there is no published version of a layout, it is technically unavailable. If none of the available layouts have been published, the button is disabled altogether.

This behavior is different than in SP2007, so it thoroughly frustrated me. Hopefully this will be of some help to others.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

SharePoint 2010 Exams: A Much Needed Improvement

I recently took and passed the four SP2010 beta exams. Having also taken the four older exams, I must say that Microsoft seems to have gotten it right this time.

These newer tests now break out skill measurements into a TS and PRO level for each track – administrator or developer. The PRO exams are fairly tough, and they are focused on scenarios that require you to review user requirements and plan/design a solution accordingly. The older tests broke WSS and MOSS out into their own exams for each track, and sadly, the questions (especially on the admin exams) were not designed well enough to be a good measurement.

Now all we need are exams that target the SharePoint Designer skill sets. Maybe Microsoft has something in the works for the next version…