I have this project that I’m working on that requires a lot of SPD workflows. Some of them are legitimate workflows, while others do quick actions like sending notifications or updating fields. At some point I realized that the default history list that SPD attaches to all workflows is going to get large pretty quickly.
So being a clever guy, I proceeded to write a small utility that would let me create new history lists and associate them with my workflows. I was okay with losing some of the history that would be displayed with the workflow statuses. Boy, what a bad idea…
I had three problems:
1. I couldn’t change the history list for workflow instances that were currently running. This was annoying, but I figured I’d get a chance to do it at some point when the workflows completed.
2. Any changes to the workflows in SPD changed the history list association back to the default one. Also annoying, but I could deal with it.
3. It completely prevented workflows from running. Yeah, I saved the best one for last.
I’ve given up on making this work. I’ll gladly accept any ideas that someone has on the matter (besides creating and packaging the workflows in Visual Studio). My internet searches have been in vain.